(It is most similar to the 'AltGr' key on non-US PC keyboards.) Consequently, in version 4.5, the Mac's 'Option/Alt' key is not mapped to the 'Alt' keysyms over the RFB protocol. For example, the key marked 'Alt' on modern Macs (also known as the 'Option' key) performs a different function to the 'Alt' key on PC keyboards. Some keys will be unique, and some keys with the same name perform will perform different functions.
If you are connecting to a Mac from a Windows or Linux PC, or vice versa, the two computers are likely to have different keyboards.
In VNC Enterprise Edition 4.5, it is intended that a VNC Viewer user should be able to press any key or key combination and the expected result will manifest itself seamlessly on the computer running VNC Server.