These are all symptoms that are present every time someone uses the drug. Some of these symptoms are the motivation for the user to take the drug. Side effects of crack use are present from the first time the drug is taken. As a result, there is a significant number of people experiencing the drug’s symptoms at any given time. residents aged 12 and older having used it at least once in their lifetime. The use of rock cocaine and other forms of cocaine is widespread, with an estimated 6,222,000 U.S. Anyone who uses it should understand its negative impacts, and loved ones who suspect someone is abusing it must know the signs to spot the signs that someone has begun to smoke crack. When consuming the drug, crack effects can be noticed in all body parts, from the internal organs to the skin and eyes. Those consequences can be even more dangerous, as they can result in a crack baby, which is when a baby is born addicted to the substance. Moreover, many users have sex on crack without considering the consequences.
But that does not mean that its use comes without a price the side effects of crack cocaine are serious, life-changing, and even deadly. In many cities, it is easy to access, and compared to powder cocaine, significantly easier to afford. Crack cocaine, also called rock cocaine, is a drug commonly abused in the United States.